Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Union Workshops: This Week & Next
August 30, 2009
Over the course of this coming week and the following week, we will be holding workshops for TAA members to learn more about our union. The content will include things like what unions are and what they do, a bit on the background of the TAA, and how the TAA operates. These workshops will be a great opportunity to gain greater understanding of your union and its place in the world - as well as your place in the union.The workshops, at 6 PM on five upcoming weeknights, held at the TAA office, will be set up like a seminar. One of the elected leaders of the union or one of our staff will do quick presentations on a few key topics and then attendees will have the chance to ask questions and engage in discussion - these will be somewhat participatory learning opportunities (that said, they are as participatory as you want to be in attendance).
Here are those dates (remember: 6 PM at the TAA office):
Monday, August 31st
Tuesday, September 1st
Thursday, September 3rd
Wednesday, September 9th
Thursday, September 10th
We'll also have some food and beverage for folks to kick back with while the workshops go on. Not to mention dozens of fellow grad student workers will be attending these over the coming weeks - so it'll be a chance to meet some new people from across the university campus.
Of course, because our union works through the involvement of us as graduate student workers who are the rank-and-file members of the union, we will go over how folks can and should get involved in the work of the union. And because such a critical part of meaningful involvement in a union hinges upon understanding what a union is and does, these workshops will be great points of departure for everyone to gain context.
We hope to see you at the upcoming union workshops. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact TAA Co-Presidents Peter Rickman and Katie Lindstrom.
Previous Posts
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