Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Official General Membership Meeting Announcement
August 24, 2009
At this year's annual TAA Welcome Back Happy Hour, we will be holding a mini-General Membership Meeting. Within the Welcome Back Happy Hour, we will take a few minutes to handle one piece of union business.As many of you know, all state employees (like us) have had to deal with "give-backs" of wage increases. For non-represented (read: those without a union) state employees, there is no option - they've had their 2% pay increases yanked unilaterally Because we have a union and a contract, our negotiated wage increase cannot occur automatically. We would need to open up our contract and settle a new one that gives up these wage increases. But that requires that our general membership vote to do so and authorize a new contract settlement without the scheduled 2% pay increases (scheduled because our new contract has yet to take effect).
The mini-General Membership Meeting will consider these wage "give-backs" as our sole agenda item. The TAA Executive Board will be recommending a 'no' vote on this. A 'no' vote would keep the contract the way it is and keep our duly-negotiated wage increase. After all, a deal's a deal, and we deserve the pay increase for a number of reasons.
If you have questions before the mini-General Membership Meeting at the Welcome Back Happy Hour, please be in touch with our Co-Presidents Peter Rickman and Katie Lindstrom as well as our Vice President of Bargaining Kevin Gibbons.
This mini-General Membership Meeting will be brief. Very brief. One piece of business to handle. Only a small break from the rest of the festivities of the union party.
Here are the details for the TAA Annual Welcome Back Happy Hour:
Friday, September 4th - 4 PM to 7 PM
Tripp Commons, Memorial Union
mini-General Membership Meeting likely around 5 or 5:30 PM
Previous Posts
- Union Workshops Coming Up
- Orientation Week Under Way!
- One Click And a Few Keystrokes to Build a Better U...
- TAA Events Coming Up
- Contract Information & Update
- Health Care & Benefits Information
- Reading for Fun About Your Vocation
- TAA Events for the Next Two Weeks
- Have You Oriented A Grad Assistant Today?
- Getting Involved In Your Union