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Union Workshops Coming Up

August 23, 2009

Make sure to get it on your calendar and save the date - we have union workshops coming up that you don't want to miss:

Monday, August 31
Tuesday, September 1
Thursday, September 3
Wednesday, September 9
Thursday, September 10

All of the union workshops will be at 6 PM at the TAA Office.

The union workshops will be an opportunity to learn more about your union, who we are and what we do. We will discuss what a union is and does and what that means for the TAA. We will cover how we build power for graduate student workers by organizing, including what organizing is and how we do it.

If you're brand new to the TAA or if you've been around for a while, you can learn a lot at and get a lot from these workshops. They will be participatory forums with presenters from among our elected leadership and staff, and plenty of fellow grad student workers to meet and with whom to talk about union-related stuff.

As important as anything, we'll have some free food and beverage for everyone - one of the things you'll learn about unions is that we always make sure to feed people and keep everyone strong for the work we do. So make sure to RSVP via email to us so that we can plan on the right number of attendees at each workshop. Just let us know which workshop you plan on attending.

We're really excited to build a knowledgeable and activist membership base for this coming year - and beyond. These union workshops will be a key first step in that. So we hope to see you out at them with us!

posted by Webmaster


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