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Annual Welcome Back Happy Hour

August 11, 2009

There is simply no better way to come back to campus for an academic year than with a party on the Terrace.

We're going to kick off the year in style with a big party full of grad assistants, with plenty of free food and beer, rockin' music, and a small bit of union business. You can start your academic year and your weekend off with a great time among lots of fellow grad student workers. The annual Welcome Back Happy Hour (more like a few hours) is always a good party; and unlike most parties, there's more than a little union solidarity wafting through the air.

Summary: Party. Free food and beer. Fellow grad student workers. Little bit of union business (Do we want to keep our raises?)

Friday, September 4th @ 4 PM, Tripp Commons of the Memorial Union.

So mark you calendar now and plan to be at the TAA Welcome Back Happy Hour.

posted by Webmaster


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