Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Update Your Union Information!
July 21, 2009
With the coming of a new academic year, the TAA needs to update its roster of information about all of us as rank-and-file members. We would like to have all of our members fill out an electronic of our "blue card," our normal membership card. Part of running a good organization is having proper information to put to use, including contact information for all members as well as information on how everyone wants to be involved in our union.So please take a few moments to quickly fill out the online version of the blue card here.
Our union is a product of what we put into it. Just as the university works because we do, our union works because we do. A democratic union means we shape the direction of the union as active rank-and-file members and it means that we implement that direction as active rank-and-file members. We are strong when all are involved. For the strongest union possible to advance our interests as graduate student workers, we need you to be involved.
So make sure to fill out the online blue card by responding with a "yes" or "no" answer on some really important ways for you to be involved.
In this coming year, we will have a number of really important and exciting ways for everyone to be involved in our union. We are committed to involving all rank-and-file members as much as possible in making our union work, including putting together well-run campaigns that advance our union's cause as well as providing training and education for all rank-and-file members to be involved in a meaningful way. So again, please take a moment to fill out the online blue card.
Previous Posts
- T-Shirt Design Contest Continues
- Contract Update and Paycut Request Information
- Stewards: Rank-and-File Leaders Needed
- 2009-2010 TAA T-Shirt Design Contest
- Contract Update: OSER Request to Give Back Wage In...
- We Are Not Alone: Redux
- TAA-Represented Workers Exempt From Furloughs
- Contract Progresses
- Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions Conference
- Organizing Does Not Take a Summer Vacation