Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Orientation Organizing Campaign: Your Department & Elsewhere
August 3, 2009
As noted previously (once or twice, or three times), Orientation is a critical time for our union to engage new graduate assistants, build membership, and recruit new activists and leaders.We need you to get involved to make our Orientation Organizing Campaign successful. A good campaign here means a stronger union, and a stronger union means better results for all of us rank-and-file members of the union.
Can you get involved on the campaign?
There are a few ways to get involved, and you can do it either by contacting our Orientation Committee Co-Chairs Tim Frandy and Peter Rickman, or by attending an Orientation Organizing Campaign information session to learn more and to plug in.
We need rank-and-file members like you to:
- Speak at departmental orientations about the union - maybe even your department
- Contact new union members with follow-up information and to recruit them into involvement in the union
- Track and input data and new union member information
For all of these roles on the campaign, we have experienced activists and staff who will train you, so that you are comfortable with the tasks for the role and able to be successful carrying them out.
We need rank-and-file members like you to be active in these roles on the Orientation campaign the week of August 24th through 28th, at various times throughout the day.
So let us know how you want to be involved or come to one of our Orientation Organizing Campaign information sessions. These events will be at 6 PM at the TAA office on August 5th, 11th, 16th, and 20th. We'll have food and beverage at these info sessions, so please RSVP ahead of time using this form or by emailing Orientation Committee co-chair Peter Rickman. Information sessions will go over the campaign, what the plan is for the campaign, what particular roles are to be filled - and how - and how you can play a role on a successful Orientation Organizing Campaign.
This is a great opportunity for you to be involved in your union, from speaking at your department's Orientation (and/or elsewhere) to connecting with new union members interested in who we are and what we do to however you can be involved. We'll look forward to having you be a part of the campaign.
posted by Webmaster
Previous Posts
- Welcome Back Happy Hour
- TAA In the (Union Labor) News
- Reminder: Update Your Union Membership Info
- Orientation Organizing Campaign Kickoff Events!
- Get Involved in Your Union: Join the Orientation O...
- Update Your Union Information!
- Orientation Organizing Campaign
- Update Your Union Information!
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