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Swarm and Nest: Van Vleck

April 21, 2009

Last Wednesday (4/15) we brought a small crew to Van Vleck for organizing. Yet again, we (myself included) were held back by colds and flus. 3 organizers put in 9 hours of organizing time, speaking to 19 members, and signing up 2 new members.

For the semester, then, we have 36 different organizers, 170 organizing hours, 176 member contacts, 23 new members, 38 new organizers, and 55 future activists.

Swarm and Nest this week is canceled. Instead, we are organizing next Monday AND Tuesday (4/27, 4/28), in preparation of the semester's most important General Membership Meeting. We're still ironing out the details of where we'll set up shop, but we'll keep you posted.

Please consider taking an hour or two and helping us promote the General Membership Meeting. It'll be faster conversations, and a big presence of organizers will help ensure that this will be the most important and well attended GMM in recent memory!

posted by Tim Frandy

General Membership Meeting, April 28, Pres House

April 10, 2009

Your final General Membership Meeting of the semester will be held from 5-7 pm at the Pres House on Tuesday, April 28th. Mark your calendars and plan to come.

It is the most important membership meeting of the semester. We will be building a Bargaining Platform at the meeting, which will be used to negotiate the 09-11 contract for TAs and PAs during very, very bad financial times.

We need a packed room if we expect to create a Platform which reflects the will of TAA members like you. If we want to make gains during an economic crisis, we need to bargain smart, and we need your help.

Bring a friend. Bring two friends. And bring yourself. It's YOUR union.

posted by Tim Frandy

Swarm and Nest: Humanities

After a nasty virus went through the TAA office last week, TAA organizers went out, some hacking and sniffing, to Humanities last Monday. With 7 organizers, we put in 13 organizer hours, had 18 conversations, signed up one new member, and found two more organizers.

For the semester, that makes 35 different organizers, 161 organizing hours, 157 member contacts, 21 new members, 38 new organizers, and 55 future activists.

Next Wednesday, we're going to Van Vleck to organize in Math. We need 1) a very large attendance at the April 28th General Membership Meeting to ensure we make a great, informed, and member-driven Bargaining Platform for the 09-11 contract, and 2) to look for a people interested in running for the office of Treasurer (Jason, our current Treasurer, will unfortunately be leaving us). Without a TAA Treasurer lined up, we'll be in a world of hurt.

The following week's Swarm and Nest (scheduled for 4/23 in Computer Sciences) has been canceled. Instead, we will be organizing on Monday and Tuesday, April 27-28 (locations TBD) to ensure a large turnout for the April General Membership Meeting.

Send an email to me ( if you have an hour or two to organize in math, and make sure that the TAA can keep paying its bills!

posted by Tim Frandy

Spring Elections This Tuesday, April 7!

April 4, 2009

Spring elections are just around the corner, and because of lowered turnout in Spring Elections, TAA members have the capacity to make a big voice!

Where do I vote in Madison?

TAA members are encouraged to email TAA Political Education Committee Chair Peter Rickman for a full list of TAA endorsed candidates in their polling district.

Go Vote!

posted by Tim Frandy

Swarm and Nest Update: Van Hise

On Wednesday, April 1st, 10 TAA organizers went to Van Hise, where in 28 hours organizing, we made 34 contacts, signed up 10 new members, found 2 new organizers, and 1 other potential activist. Further, we collected 13 pledges to attend the April GMM, and collected countless bargaining surveys.

For the semester, that makes 30 different organizers, putting in 148 hours of organizing time to make 149 member contacts, signing up 20 new members, finding 36 new organizers, and identifying 53 future activists.

This Monday (4/6), we'll be going to Humanities and Vilas, where we'll be working from 10-4. We are very shorthanded for this very important location! We will need your help, if we want to be successful Monday. As always, no experience is needed to participate in your union. You'll be paired with an experienced organizer, and you can watch and learn. Look for the TAA signs near the northeast entrance (closest to Library Mall) in order to find our table in that labyrinthine building!

The following Wednesday (4/15), we'll be going to Van Vleck. It's a good chance to get some last minute help from some mathematicians, if you're having problems crunching numbers on your 1040s!

Email me (, if you can come out organizing on either these dates. We need a late semester push to build capacity, if we care to expect a strong TAA next year!

posted by Tim Frandy


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