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TAA-Hosted AGEL Schedule

May 17, 2010

Here's where you'll find a copy of the schedule for the 2010 spring conference of the Alliance of Graduate Employee Locals (AGEL), which the TAA is hosting this Thursday through Saturday.

If you're planning on attending sessions or workshops, please let us know at

Thursday [Organizing Day -- Meet at TAA Office]
12:30 PM - Organizing Education & Training Workshop (TAA Office)
2:00 PM - Organizing Grad Student Workers (in the field)
4:00 PM - Organizing Debrief (TAA Office)
4:30 PM - AGEL Registration Opens (TAA Office)
8:00 PM - Welcome to AGEL Party (Essen Haus)
If you're going to join us for the Organizing Day (and you should!), RSVP on the Facebook event listing or via email.

Friday -- All sessions at Pyle Center (702 Langdon Street)
9:00 AM - Breakfast [ends at 9:30] (TAA Office)
9:45 AM - Opening Plenary (121 Pyle)
10:45 AM - Concurrent Sessions #1:
Data Management for Strong Unions (309 Pyle)
Dealing with FERPA (205 Pyle)
12:00 PM - Lunch Plenary [David Newby & David Hecker Keynote Panel] (Alumni Lounge, Pyle)
1:30 PM - Concurrent Sessions #2:
Grad Union Struggles & Victories 2009-2010 (309 Pyle)
Organizing MAs (205 Pyle)
3:00 PM - Break
3:15 PM - Concurrent Sessions #3:
Building Strong Local Political Programs (309 Pyle)
Confronting Department Closings (205 Pyle)
4:45 PM - Break
5:00 PM - AGEL Plenary: Preparing for AFT Convention 2010 (121 Pyle)

Saturday -- All sessions at Memorial Union
9:00 AM - Breakfast [ends at 9:30 AM] (TAA Office)
9:45 AM - Concurrent Sessions #4:
Long-Term Campaigns (Roundtable Room, 3rd Floor)
Leadership Development (Old Madison West, 3rd Floor)
11:15 AM - Concurrent Sessions #5:
Organizing RAs (Round Table Room, 3rd Floor)
Campus-Community-Union Relations (Old Madison West, 3rd Floor)
12:45 PM - Lunch
1:45 PM - AGEL Plenary: AFT Higher Education & AGEL (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
3:00 PM - Break
3:15 PM - AGEL Plenary: Building the Movement (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
4:30 PM - Break
4:45 PM - AGEL Business Meeting (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
7:00 PM - Dinner & Saturday Night Party

posted by Webmaster


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