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August 23, 2010

The Teaching Assistants' Association website has been moved to

posted by Webmaster

AGEL Parties

May 17, 2010

The grad labor movement has always kept the "social" in labor as a social movement. With the TAA hosting all of the AFT-affiliated locals in the grad labor movement here this week for a conference, we're going to have a couple of parties for folks to attend that fit with AGEL traditions: a Welcome Party and a big ol' House Party. Here's the info...

Thursday -- Welcome to AGEL
Time: 8 PM
Location: Essen Haus

Saturday -- Traditional AGEL House Party
Time: 7 PM
Location: Home of Matt Moehr, 420 N. Paterson

posted by Webmaster

TAA-Hosted AGEL Schedule

Here's where you'll find a copy of the schedule for the 2010 spring conference of the Alliance of Graduate Employee Locals (AGEL), which the TAA is hosting this Thursday through Saturday.

If you're planning on attending sessions or workshops, please let us know at

Thursday [Organizing Day -- Meet at TAA Office]
12:30 PM - Organizing Education & Training Workshop (TAA Office)
2:00 PM - Organizing Grad Student Workers (in the field)
4:00 PM - Organizing Debrief (TAA Office)
4:30 PM - AGEL Registration Opens (TAA Office)
8:00 PM - Welcome to AGEL Party (Essen Haus)
If you're going to join us for the Organizing Day (and you should!), RSVP on the Facebook event listing or via email.

Friday -- All sessions at Pyle Center (702 Langdon Street)
9:00 AM - Breakfast [ends at 9:30] (TAA Office)
9:45 AM - Opening Plenary (121 Pyle)
10:45 AM - Concurrent Sessions #1:
Data Management for Strong Unions (309 Pyle)
Dealing with FERPA (205 Pyle)
12:00 PM - Lunch Plenary [David Newby & David Hecker Keynote Panel] (Alumni Lounge, Pyle)
1:30 PM - Concurrent Sessions #2:
Grad Union Struggles & Victories 2009-2010 (309 Pyle)
Organizing MAs (205 Pyle)
3:00 PM - Break
3:15 PM - Concurrent Sessions #3:
Building Strong Local Political Programs (309 Pyle)
Confronting Department Closings (205 Pyle)
4:45 PM - Break
5:00 PM - AGEL Plenary: Preparing for AFT Convention 2010 (121 Pyle)

Saturday -- All sessions at Memorial Union
9:00 AM - Breakfast [ends at 9:30 AM] (TAA Office)
9:45 AM - Concurrent Sessions #4:
Long-Term Campaigns (Roundtable Room, 3rd Floor)
Leadership Development (Old Madison West, 3rd Floor)
11:15 AM - Concurrent Sessions #5:
Organizing RAs (Round Table Room, 3rd Floor)
Campus-Community-Union Relations (Old Madison West, 3rd Floor)
12:45 PM - Lunch
1:45 PM - AGEL Plenary: AFT Higher Education & AGEL (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
3:00 PM - Break
3:15 PM - AGEL Plenary: Building the Movement (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
4:30 PM - Break
4:45 PM - AGEL Business Meeting (Old Madison East/West, 3rd Floor)
7:00 PM - Dinner & Saturday Night Party

posted by Webmaster

Organizing Day (Part of TAA-Hosted AGEL)

In conjunction with the TAA hosting the 2010 spring conference of the Alliance of Graduate Employee Locals (AGEL), we are putting together an organizing day of action on Thursday. As the grad unionists from around the country come pouring into Madison, we will hold an organizing action to get TAA members and other grad unionists out together speaking with fellow grad student workers on our campus.

RSVP here if you're going to join us.

Here are the vital details: Meet up at the TAA Office at 12:30 PM on Thursday for lunch and an Education & Training workshop -- but make sure to be there on time; then we'll head out in teams to speak with fellow grads between 1:30 and 2 PM. We'll canvass workers from 2 to 4 PM and then debrief at the TAA Office after that; as importantly, we'll get over to the Welcome To AGEL party after that.

If you're going to join us for Thursday's AGEL kickoff organizing day of action, RSVP here. With any questions, contact organizing day of action coordinator Peter Rickman.

posted by Webmaster

This blog has moved

April 29, 2010

This blog is now located at
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For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

posted by Peter

Hosting the Spring 2010 AGEL Conference

April 22, 2010

On May 21-23, the TAA will be hosting on campus the 2010 conference of the Alliance of Graduate Employee Locals (AGEL). AGEL is the grouping of all the AFT-affiliated grad student worker union locals, like the TAA, from all around the country.

At the conference, we will have workshops, plenary discussions and presentations, and education sessions to help grad unionists grow as leaders in the grad student worker labor movement. Some topics include "Struggles & Victories of Grad Unions in 2009-2010" and "Campus-Community-Union Relationships." AGEL is always a great time, with dozens of grad unionists from all over. We definitely hope you'll join us for what is shaping up to be a great conference. With any questions about the conference, drop us an email.

To register for the 2010 AGEL conference, click here.

posted by Webmaster

Final General Membership Meeting of the Year: May 3rd

April 21, 2010

We will hold our final General Membership Meeting of the academic year on Monday, May 3rd, starting at 5:30 PM (location TITU). You can RSVP for the GMM here.

At the GMM, we will address a few required items of unions business:

- Adopting the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year
- Handling officer stipends for the completed academic year
- Officially opening ballot for officer positions for next academic year

We will also address two other important topics:

- Hosting the AGEL conference
- Bargaining Update

The agenda for this GMM is yet to be finalized, but you can expect that it will look something like this. At the GMM, we will have (vegan-friendly) food and beverages.

Here's a quick explanation of the items of union business:

Nominations for officer elections will be closing on April 30th and at this meeting, our Elections Committee will begin distributing paper ballots. Voting takes place over the two weeks following the meeting.

We will also handle stipends for our current year's officers.

The major item will be adoption of our 2010-2011 budget. Our Finance Committee has prepared a budget that will be brought to the GMM by the Executive Board and the Finance Committee as a motion on the floor. Of particular importance in adopting a budget is making an allocation for an organizing drive during next academic year.

If you have any questions about the GMM, please drop an email to our Co-Presidents Katie Lindstrom and Peter Rickman.

posted by Webmaster


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