Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
December General Membership Meeting
November 18, 2009
The next General Membership Meeting of the union, the last for the 2009 fall semester, will take place on December 3rd at 5:30 PM at the Pres House.General Membership Meetings, or GMMs, are where we make decisions as a democratic organization on union matters. They're also venues for updates and information on critical union business, like collective bargaining and our contract. Attending a GMM is a great way to plug in to the union and to exercise your important rights and responsibilities as union members. We'll have some light food and beverage for folks, in addition to the scintillating union business.
Among other items of union business, we will be covering an update and discussion on 2009-2011 contract negotiations, Constitutional changes, and the development of our political platform. Stay tuned for more info; we'll see you there; and if you have any questions in the meantime, drop us an email.
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