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Contract Victory!

October 22, 2009

We bring you one piece of excellent news:

The 2007-2009 TAA Contract has been approved by the state government!

Earlier this week, both the state Senate and Assembly overwhelmingly voted to approve legislation ratifying our contract. Next Wednesday morning, the governor will sign into law our contract and subsequently, it will go into effect.

A hearty congratulations is due to all of the TAA activists who worked so hard on bargaining this contract, organizing support around it, and working to get the state government to approve it. Our contract victory is a fine example of how our union works through collective bargaining, organizing and political action to advance the cause of grad student workers.

Instead of running through the gains made in this contract (e.g. wage increases, stronger workplace protections) or discussing the implications of implementation (e.g. "backpay"), we will have further information posted here on our website very soon and we will send it out to everyone.

For now, let's bask in the victory - and start organizing for success in the 2009-2011 contract, negotiations for which are already underway.

With questions about the contract - or to get involved on either the Bargaining Team or the Contract Enforcement Committee - send an email to

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