Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
You Don't Have To Be a Genius To Be Pro-Union...But It Doesn't Hurt
September 27, 2009
As one of the most well-known and important academics, intellectuals, researchers and general public figures of the 20th Century (and probably more than that), Albert Einstein possessed a towering genius. He also proudly proclaimed a pro-union sentiment that resonates today with academics, intellectuals, and professionals. It turns out that being strongly pro-union doesn't require being a genius, but it doesn't hurt either.This year's TAA t-shirt memorializes a union brother from days past in Albert Einstein, a charter member of the faculty local at Princeton. But it also memorializes his pro-union sentiment for academic and intellectual workers. Take a look at the links below, in case you haven't seen the shirt around campus (the more fashion-conscious among us have noticed them on hip grads in droves)...
TAA 2009-2010 T-Shirt Front
TAA 2009-2010 T-Shirt Back
Unions are for academics and for intellectuals, people like us. Great minds produce great work and need great unions to advance their interests. If it was good enough for Albert Einstein, it's probably good enough for us.
Previous Posts
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- Union Workshops: This Week & Next