Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Get Your Union T-Shirt Here
September 29, 2009
The 2009-2010 TAA t-shirt has proven to be a big success. We are getting requests from a lot of different people to get one for themselves after seeing them around campus.Typically, new t-shirts tend to get distributed to new grads who are joining the union for the first time - and to folks that show up at the office for some union activities. But this year, we'd like to open everything up to all members. So we are going to order a run of t-shirts for all union members who are interested in getting one for themselves.
Check out a bit on the shirts here.
If you would like to get a 2009-2010 TAA t-shirt, the thing to do is to fill out this really quick online form. Then, someone will follow up with you about getting your shirt in your hands.
With any questions, just let us know via email.
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