Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
TAA On The Facebook
February 6, 2010
The TAA is on the Facebook. If you're on the Facebook, become a fan.We'll use our Facebook fan page to send out quick news, information, and updates, to post pictures, and the like.
You should (a) become a fan yourself and then (b) suggest that your fellow grads do the same.
Previous Posts
- UMass Postdocs Unionize
- Major GMM February 23rd
- TAA Volunteer Night!
- Stewards' Council Kickoff!
- General Membership Meeting: February 4th
- Grad School: Bad Decision?
- General Membership Meeting This Thursday!
- TAA 2007-2009 Contract Summary
- Student Labor Solidarity Achieving Results, Underg...
- TAA Constitution Revision: Non-Discrimination Clause