Teaching Assistants' Association
UW- Madison
Swarm and Nest Results from HC White
March 4, 2009
TAA Swarm-n-Nesters descended upon Helen C. White, North, and Science this past Tuesday, the 3rd. We had 17 TAA organizers working a total of 42.5 working hours between 10-4. We had 45 conversations with members, recruited 13 new organizers who agreed to do Swarm and Nest this semester. On top of that, we found 5 additional likely activists, and 4 new members.Here's our semester totals for S&Ns: 21 different organizers, 78.5 hours organizing, 88 documented conversations, 29 new organizers, 44 likely activists, 9 new members. This is very good progress in developing a more mobilize-able, stronger TAA for next year. Let's keep up the good work.
Next week, on Monday, March 9th, we'll be setting up our base camp in the lobby of Medical Sciences (go in the main entrance on University). (Medical Sciences is on the corner of Charter and University.) We'll be organizing from 10-4. We'll be doing excursions to Chamberlain and Psychology.
The week after spring break, we'll be heading to Educational Sciences, and sojourning out to Teacher's Education and Noland. Look for the table in Ed Sci.
The number of organizers for our S&N in Medical Sciences are a little low (only 7 organizers so far!). Do consider joining us, if you have an hour or two free next Monday, 3/9. Just send me an email at twfrandy@gmail.com, and sign up for a shift. As always, no experience is needed. Everyone will be paired up with an experienced organizer, and you can learn on the job.
Hope to see you Monday!
Previous Posts
- TAA Swarm and Nest: Week 1
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- Doyle's Budget May Include DP Benefits
- Making a Difference in the Spring Elections
- Union Grassroots Lobby Day
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- TAA Membership Approves New Contract
- AFT Press Release on the Bailout